Friday 11 April 2008

Hot eggs for breakfast

Three of the team from award-winning production agency Partizan came in to talk to us about their recent animation, live action and viral projects, and give us a peek behind the scenes.

First of all, Henry talked us through the Mr Red campaign for Vodafone, working with Israeli director Eric Learner.

We saw how painstaking it is to get animated characters looking realistic - how you get shadows of characters reflecting in water, interacting with real people, and moving in and out of objects.

Then Pia talked about her work for the recent Cadbury's creme egg campaign with Chris Cairns, who recently won Best New Director at Cannes. The campaign shows Creme Eggs devising and executing ingenious ways to get at their own goo. The finale - hundreds of creme eggs all committing mass suicide - was shot in a non-stop, one take only, 24 hour chunk, where they recreated 200 Creme Eggs (real ones would melt under the lights) and laid each one in a mouse trap. When they launched the chief egg into the crowd of his devout worshippers, the team just had to cross their fingers it would all work. It did. Check it here:

Finally Jordan talked us through some of their recent viral work, like the X-box free runners campaign 'Master Your Environment: